Hello! I'm Lucas


I'm a guy that likes building software - both at home and at work (COVID UPDATE - this used to be a useful distinction).

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I joined Alloy in February as the Engineering Director of their nascient team. Alloy had recently launched with a backend healthcare API partner called Capable Health.

Engineering Team

I’ve been building the team out - from one developer + one contractor to the current configuration of 3 internal developers, one internal QA manager, and myself. Most importantly, I strive for a high trust and low ego culture - learning and being able to depend on your teammates is paramount.


The front end is a nice mix of next.js + Contentful for the marketing site, and a plain old react app for the authenticated side. There is also a shared npm library for code that needs to be shared across sites.

The back end is an express + typescript app running on a PaaS called Render. Render seems like the perfect successor to Heroku - cheaper, easy to set up and roll with, and great Postgres support. One click to create a read replica was especially impressive.